Community – Foodland Super Market Tue, 11 Apr 2023 20:20:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Community – Foodland Super Market 32 32 Shop for Higher Education 2018 Tue, 06 Feb 2018 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

Foodland founder, the late Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, was much more than a brilliant businessman.  He was an outstanding community leader too.  Sully’s philosophy of giving back to the community has touched thousands of individuals throughout Hawaii, especially Hawaii’s youth.  So, as we launch our 13th annual Shop for Higher Education scholarship program, we are excited about its mission in helping Hawaii’s students achieve their dreams of attending college and reaching their career goals. 

Past scholarship recipients have shared with us their diversified career goals such as becoming emergency medical technicians, educators, artists, government officials, nurses and even astronauts!  Many of these careers can only be attained with a college education.  Without financial aid resources like Foodland’s Shop for Higher Education, many would not be able to afford the high price of college.

That’s where Foodland’s customers come in.  Just shop at Foodland using your Maika’i card and designate your favorite participating high school when you checkout now through March 30. Your designated school will receive the same number of Maika’i points that you earn for your grocery purchases.  And the more points a school earns, the more scholarships it may receive!  You can also help your favorite high school earn more points by purchasing specially marked items – just look for the bright 2x, 3x and 5x bonus point shelf signs.

We encourage you to designate your favorite participating high school and support Hawaii’s deserving high school seniors.  It only takes a moment, and there’s no cost to participate.  So, remember, shop now through March 30, and you won’t just grocery shop … you’ll Shop for Higher Education!

Give Aloha 2017 Thu, 31 Aug 2017 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

“Thank you for having this program and allowing our organization to participate.  I just wanted to thank you.”  These were the actual words from a very brief but heartfelt phone call from a participating organization’s member.  Now in its nineteenth year, Give Aloha is one of the most anticipated programs for the many organizations who benefit from the generosity of our loyal customers, the Western Union Foundation, and Foodland.  

As the saying goes, “Lucky you live Hawaii.”  We are truly so fortunate to live in Hawaii, but not just because of the exceptional weather and food.  It’s that people care about making Hawaii a better place in which to live.  So if you would like to give aloha and help an organization, simply follow these 3 steps:

1. Show your Maika‘i card at checkout.
2. Give the participating organization’s 5-digit code number.
3. Tell the cashier how much you’d like to donate, up to $249 per organization. The amount will be added to your grocery purchases.

It’s that easy! Plus, your giving will be increased by a matching gift from Foodland and the Western Union Foundation, who together will be matching customer donations with more than $300,000 for all organizations combined.

Since its inception in 1999, Give Aloha has raised more than $27.3 million.  The funds raised allow for a wide spectrum of benefits and services that nearly 700 organizations are able to provide annually – including enhanced educational programs, protecting the environment, spiritual teachings, culture and the arts, technology, athletic programs, and health and human services, to name just some.

View the list of 2017 participating Hawaii non-profit organizations.

2017 Total Raised to Date: $ 682,945.43 (as of 9/14/17)

Learn more about how our program works.

Spread Aloha with Give Aloha — and together, we will continue to build a better Hawaii!

Bag Up Hunger at Foodland! Sat, 01 Apr 2017 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

“I’m hungry.” This is an unfortunate, but all too common phrase, said by the thousands of people in Hawaii who struggle to find their next meal. The reality is that one in five people in Hawaii depend upon food assistance. The face of Hawaii’s hungry ranges in all ages, from young to old, and across all ethnicities of our island population. Our company founder, the late Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, was an outstanding leader who gave unselfishly and generously. He instilled in us to be a responsible and supportive community partner. It’s an important part of Foodland’s character and why we offer various community programs throughout the year. Foodland’s Bag Up Hunger program is held every year in April. We invite our customers to donate $5, $10, $20 and loose change at checkout. The money raised supports the efforts of the food banks on the four major islands – Hawaii Food Bank (Oahu and Kauai), The Food Basket, Hawaii Island’s Food Bank and the Maui Food Bank. The food banks are the key element as they work with hundreds of member agencies to get food to those in need. Charitable agencies distribute more than 12.9 million pounds of food a year statewide. So the next time you shop, please help our island ohana and make a donation. It’s easy, simply tear a $5, $10 or $20 slip from the sign at checkout and give it to your cashier. The amount will be added to your grocery bill. Your donation may feed a child, a friend, a neighbor, a single parent with children, or a grandparent. Please give, because together, we all can make Hawaii a better place to live.

EARTH DAY 2017 – Kōkua Hawaii, Go Reusable Fri, 31 Mar 2017 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

The first Earth Day in April 1970 activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. The passage of several landmark environmental laws soon followed. Twenty years later, Earth Day went global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

The impact of Earth Day influenced Foodland with its own movement. It’s been nearly 10 years since Foodland launched its first reusable bag. From a simple Foodland logo printed on a reusable bag to the wildly popular Musubi and Poke locally-themed reusable bags, Foodland encourages its customers to “Go Reusable” every time they shop. In total, more than 30 Foodland reusable bags can now be seen throughout Hawaiʻi and abroad.

As an incentive and reward to customers for going reusable, Foodland offers customers a $.05 bag credit or 3 HawaiianMiles for every bag used. And this year, in observance of global Earth Day unity, during the month of April Foodland will give customers the option of donating their $.05 bag credit to support the programs and efforts of the Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation. We hope you will choose this option and support this local community-focused organization!

Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation supports environmental education in Hawaiʻi schools and communities. Their mission is to provide students with experiences that will enhance their appreciation for and understanding of their environment so they will be lifelong stewards of the earth. Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation (KHF) programs include the 3Rs School Recycling Program, KHF Field Trip Grant Program, KHF Mini-Grant Program, Plastic Free Hawaiʻi, and ʻĀINA in Schools, a farm to school initiative.

Please join the 1 billion Earth Day participants by bringing in your reusable bags when you shop at Foodland, and in April, tell your cashier you want to donate your bag credit to the Kokua Hawaii Foundation. Together, let’s Kōkua Hawaiʻi, Go Reusable!

Shop for Higher Education 2017 Fri, 03 Feb 2017 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

As we kick off our 12th annual Shop For Higher Education program, we are excited about its significant value in helping Hawaii’s students achieve their dreams of attending college and reaching their career goals. Each year past scholarship recipients and their parents tell us how grateful they are for our scholarships.

Without financial aid resources like Foodland’s Shop for Higher Education, many high school seniors would not be able to afford attending college. Seniors have shared with us their wide-ranging career goals including emergency medical technicians, educators, event planners, engineers and doctors. Many of these careers can only be attained with a college education.

That’s where Foodland’s customers come in. By simply shopping with your Maika‘i card and telling your cashier which participating high school you want to designate, you’ll help the school earn points. The same number of Maika‘i points you earn, the school will also earn. You can also help your favorite high school earn more points by purchasing specially marked items – just look for the bright 2x, 3x and 5x bonus point shelf signs. The designation and points earning period runs from February 15 to March 28 at all 33 Foodland and Sack N Save stores statewide.

Since Shop for Higher Education began in 2006, more than 1,198 scholarships have been awarded to college-bound seniors across the state, totaling more than $2.3 million. We encourage you to select from any of the 85 participating high schools and support Hawaii’s deserving high school seniors. There’s no cost to participate, but the value you pass on to deserving students is priceless.

Choose to Reuse at Foodland Wed, 24 Jun 2015 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

With the bag ban going statewide on July 1, we here at Foodland are ready to make this an easy transition for you. From reminders to rewards, and new bags to choose from…we’ve got you covered.

Make sure you have plenty of bags.
Show your personality by toting your favorite design. They also make great gifts! We have all these styles to choose from. Shop Online

Plus, we’ll have our NEW Local Food Pyramid bag in stores very soon.

Don’t forget to bring your bags Keep them in convenient places like by the front door, by your car keys, in your car, at work, in your backpack or laptop tote. If you still forget, we can help. We offer “cart-to-car carryout” and will bring your groceries out to your car and pack them for you. You’ll still earn bag credits.

Use your bags!
Did you know that you get a 5 cent bag credit or 3 HawaiianMiles for every bag you use, every time you shop? It’s our way of saying “thank you” for going green. Plus, from July 1 to August 4, Foodland and Hawaiian Airlines have teamed up to help you .

Reuse and Win! All you need to do is commit to using reusable bags at checkout every time you shop, and you’ll be entered to win weekly prizes and the grand prize of a $500 Foodland gift card or $500 Hawaiian Airlines gift card for every bag you use! Click here for details and the official rules.

Take care of your bags so they take care of you,
Keep a separate bag for meats, vegetables, dairy and non-food items. Use a different Foodland designed bag for each and make sure to let your cashier know which bag is for what items. Keep in mind that plastic bags used to package fruit and vegetables, as well as bags to wrap frozen food and meats, will still be allowed under this new law. So use them when purchasing these items so they don’t leak. Wash your reusable bags so spills don’t lead to bacteria growth. Simply wipe down with hot soapy water or a disinfectant wipe and let air dry. Canvas and cloth bags can be machine washed. Foodland is here to support you in many ways during this transition, so please let us know if you would like to buy a bag, if you forgot your bag in your car, or if you have any questions. We’re here to help! It looks like this bag ban isn’t a big deal after all. So let’s get in the routine together and go reusable!

Orange Signs for Eat Local Today Wed, 25 Feb 2015 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

Are you a part of the growing number of people interested in supporting local and buying local? We are too! It’s a huge initiative that’s gaining a lot of traction here in Hawaii, and we at Foodland are hoping to make it easier for you all to join in the movement! As a part of our ongoing push for local visibility in our stores, we’ve introduced new signs to help make buying local easy! Just look for the new orange signs to find locally made and locally grown items on sale throughout our stores. This is just one part of our larger push to buy local, support local, and improve food sustainability here in Hawaii. Please visit our main Eat Local Today page for more information on our exciting new weekly initiative!


Give Aloha 2014 Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

Two million dollars? $2,001,089.19 to be exact….that’s how much our Foodland customers raised through Foodland’s annual Give Aloha program last year. Now in our 16th year, we hope to surpass the $2 million mark again, from September 1-30. You may know that Give Aloha, Foodland’s annual community matching gifts program, was started to honor the legacy of our store founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, who was known for his philanthropy. Sully believed in the importance of taking care of our islands and its people. Non-profit organizations and shoppers often express to us their gratitude for having the Give Aloha program year after year.

This year, more than 670 organizations will be participating in Give Aloha. The non-profit organizations are wide ranging in their fields — from schools and churches to environmentally-focused and animal welfare groups — from culture and the arts to athletic clubs and health and human service organizations. For many participants, Give Aloha allows them to fulfill program needs that would otherwise not come to fruition, if not for the funding that the program provides them with.

We are so fortunate to live in Hawaii. It’s not just the weather and the food that’s great, but more importantly, it’s that people care about making Hawaii a better place in which to live and generously give to do so. If you would like to help an organization, simply follow these 3 steps:

1. Show your Maika‘i card at checkout.
2. Give the participating organization’s 5-digit code number.
3. Tell the cashier how much you’d like to donate, up to $249 per organization. The amount will be added to your grocery purchases.

It’s that easy! Your giving will be increased by a matching gift from Foodland and the Western Union Foundation, who together will be matching customer donations with $300,000 for all organizations combined.

Spread Aloha with Give Aloha — and together, we will continue to build a better Hawaii!

Give Aloha 2014 Total:


has been raised as of September 28, 2014.

Shop for Higher Education 2014 Tue, 04 Feb 2014 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

The Nobel Prize winning French poet and journalist, Anatole France, once said:

To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

This is as true today as it was when he said it in 1896. From a young age, children are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Believing that one can reach his or her career dreams starts at a young age. For those aspiring to attend college, it takes thought and planning, especially when it comes to how to afford tuition. That’s where Foodland shoppers can help Hawaii high school seniors accomplish their plans and fulfill their dreams, while lessening their worries about tuition.

By simply shopping with your Maika‘i card and telling your cashier which participating high school you want to designate, you’ll help the school earn points. The same number of Maika‘i points you earn, the school will also earn. You can also help your favorite high school earn more points by purchasing specially marked items – just look for the bright 2x, 3x and 5x bonus point shelf signs.

Over the past eight years, Foodland has awarded $2,000 scholarships to 866 students totaling more than $1.7 million in scholarships! Shop for Higher Education is an easy way for shoppers to contribute to their community and help 100 Hawaii high school seniors receive a valuable scholarship. The designation and points earning period runs from February 5 to March 18 – so head to your favorite Foodland or Sack N Save store soon and simply shop and designate. You can make a child’s dream come true!

Mahalo for your support with Share a Holiday Feast! Wed, 08 Jan 2014 10:00:00 +0000 Read More

We are truly amazed by the generosity of our customers. Despite tough economic conditions for many, our customers always rally for a good cause, and especially when it comes to caring for the extended family of island residents. Each year we witness your generosity when it comes to helping those who are less fortunate and in need of food, as they struggle make it through the holidays. Your donations allowed them to have meal that they might not have otherwise had and it certainly brightened their spirits. This year, your kindness and compassion to help feed the hungry during the holidays, set an all-time record, raising more than $128,000!

In addition, we know that many of you not only supported Share a Holiday Feast, but our Kokua Philippines program which ran simultaneously for 2 weeks to help Philippine disaster victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Thanks to your unselfish benevolence, and a dollar-for-dollar matching gift from the Western Union Foundation, $108,964.06 was sent to the American Red Cross for relief efforts.

As a local, family-owned business, we are so grateful to you, our valued customers, for your patronage. On behalf of Foodland and the thousands of people, both in Hawaii and the Philippines, who benefited from your generosity and thoughtfulness, thank you so much!
