Give Aloha 2012

I always get excited about Give Aloha, our annual community matching gifts program, because I know many organizations need the funding and that it positively affects the lives of so many in Hawaii. Each year more and more organizations sign up for our program — this year, 668 organizations will participate!

Many know that Give Aloha was started to continue the legacy of our store founder, Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, who was known for his philanthropy. What many don’t know was that the year we began Give Aloha in 1999, Hawaii Community Foundation conducted a “Giving Study.” It revealed that Hawaii households contributed to charities significantly more than mainland households did (88% versus 69%) – and that on the average, contributions from people in Hawaii were 27% higher. This confirmed that Give Aloha would probably be a successful program for Hawaii’s non-profit organizations. I guess that’s why they say, “Eh, lucky you live Hawaii.”

Here’s what you need to know about Give Aloha this year:
• Give Aloha runs from September 1-30, 2012.
• Maika‘i customers are invited to make a donation(s) to participating non-profit organizations at any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms checkout.
• Customers must use their Maikai card and can donate up to a cumulative total of $249 per person, per organization, per Maika‘i card.
• Foodland and the Western Union Foundation will match a portion of each donation up to a total of $350,000 for all organizations combined.

Through the power of everyone supporting their favorite charities, Hawaii can be a much better place. Last year, more than $1.8 million was raised, bringing our total contribution to more than $17 million since the program began. Please join in to show your aloha and Give Aloha!

Give Aloha 2012 Total:


has been raised as of September 27, 2012.

For more details on the program click here.